Innovation in bee protection: The anti-Varroa product that changes the game
Bees play a crucial role in our ecosystem, pollinating plants that provide us with food, beauty, and biodiversity. Unfortunately, they face many challenges, including the Varroa Destructor, a parasitic mite that threatens bee colonies worldwide. In the face of this threat, the beekeeping community is constantly seeking innovative and effective solutions. It is in this context that Stop Varroa presents itself as a revolution in bee protection.
Why protect your bees against varroa?
- Present in more than 90% of domestic bee colonies worldwide.
- First cause of mortality of domestic bees.
- Responsible for the disappearance of 30% of domestic bee colonies in Europe each year.
- Reduction of pollination and honey production
- Significant costs for beekeepers
- Threat to biodiversity and ecosystems

Why Stop Varroa as a treatment to eliminate Varroas ?
Proven effectiveness: Laboratory and field tests show that Stop Varroa eliminates a significantly higher percentage of Varroas compared to traditional methods, with visible results from the first applications.
Environmental safety: Designed with environmentally friendly components, Stop Varroa does not leave harmful residues in hive products such as honey, wax, or pollen.
Easy application: Stop Varroa is developed to be easily usable by all beekeepers, from amateurs to professionals, without specialized equipment.
Long-term protection: In addition to eliminating Varroas, Stop Varroa helps to strengthen the natural defenses of bees against future infestations.
How does Stop Varroa work?
Without going into complex technical details, Stop Varroa uses a unique formulation that disrupts the life cycle of the Varroa without affecting the bees. This targeted approach ensures that colonies remain vigorous and productive, while being free of parasites.
How to use the Stop Varroa Treatment ?
- Shake the treatment solution and make sure there is no sediment at the bottom of the bottle.
- Put on your beekeeper suit and open the hive.
- Lift the frames one by one and spray the bees with the solution on both sides. The treatment will be more effective if there is a uniform distribution of the treatment solution.
- Don't worry about the bees outside the hive when you apply the treatment. They will also be treated thanks to the fact that the solution attracts the bees and spreads between them by rubbing.
- After 24 hours, you can open the hive to see the impact of the treatment. The treatment will protect your hives from varroas for a whole year. After a year, we advise you to reapply the treatment solution as a preventive measure, even if your hive is not impacted by varroas.
- You can store the treatment for a period of five years.
In addition to specific products like Stop Varroa, there are several methods and treatments used by beekeepers to fight against the Varroa Destructor. These methods vary depending on their effectiveness, ease of use, environmental impact, and cost. Here are some of the alternative treatments and strategies against Varroa:
Chemical treatment
- Formic acid: Effective and able to penetrate into brood cells, but must be handled with care to avoid harming the bees.
- Oxalic acid: Useful against Varroas on adult bees, does not penetrate the brood. Applied by dripping or sublimation.
- Fluvalinate: Synthetic pesticides with a risk of resistance in Varroa. Effective, but their repeated use is controversial.
Biological treatment
- Essential oils (e.g., thymol): Less harmful and relatively effective, depend on climatic conditions for their effectiveness.
- Biotechnical fight: Techniques like the removal of male brood to interrupt the Varroa reproduction cycle.
Physical methods
- Varroa traps: Prevent Varroas from returning to the bees by falling through mesh trays.
- Increasing the temperature of the hive: Kills Varroas by exposure to high temperatures without damaging the bees.
Stop Varroa stands out as a revolution in the fight against Varroa, offering much more than simple protection against this parasite. This innovative product allows beekeepers to effectively protect their colonies while contributing to the preservation of the environment. In a context where threats to bee health are more prevalent than ever, Stop Varroa embodies real hope for a sustainable and flourishing future for bees. By visiting our website, beekeepers can discover how to integrate Stop Varroa into their practice and thus actively participate in this revolution for bee protection, changing together the course of beekeeping towards a greener future.